Wednesday, February 27, 2013

10 Valuable lessons I learned from the movies

As previous posts might suggest, I really like movies and contrary to the belief that they can rot one's brains, I've learned some valuable things from the big screen. Here are a few:

 1. Try at all costs not to travel in storms and most of all don't stop and take shelter in abandoned buildings, from what the silver screen shows, it just leads to a rather sudden and bloody end to one's existence.

2. Resist the urge to eat an apple if it's offered to you by an old crone-unless of course there's an obliging prince nearby to resurrect you from the dead with a nice big kiss! 
3 When in doubt about cleaning/fixing something, spray it with Windex. (The father character in "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" swears by it so that means it definitely must be useful/effective!)

4. When in doubt in general, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming!

5.  If you are on a tour in Egypt and find the Book of the Dead don't open it and read it for goodness sakes, from the sound of it it's not a very good read-accord to the movie "The Mummy"- The Book of the Dead just seems to bring back disgusting dead people who plague the earth. Now, I'm all for living dangerously and having some adventures now and then but seriously,  folks, having a bunch of mummies bent on world destruction on your hands is just way too much mess to deal with. That is, unless you have Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz by your side to save you (and the rest of the world too of course). 

6. If you have to be a nanny/governess to 7 or more kids, get them to sing and dance a lot-it seems to make them significantly less unruly.

7. A bit of chocolate can solve multitudes of problems-especially if you live in a French village with Juliet Binoche and Judi Dench.

8. Never underestimate the power of the dark side (e.g. evil but in the same way, never underestimate the power of good as well!)

9. If zombies take over the earth the best thing to do, according to Will Smith in "I am Legend" is to go to Bethel, VT where apparently, the last haven for sane individuals is located. 

10. Life really is like a box of chocolates-you never know what's coming next-I suppose that's the beauty of it!

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