Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Home is where my heart is...

There's  something about home that makes me feel at peace. I get that sense of peace not only when I go back to Michigan but also in other places too. Maybe it's just that all the places I think of as "home" are places where I love to be and I love the people associated with those places. I think that's what "home" should be. Maybe it doesn't always involve an actual house or the family one grows up with, as long as someone feels an attachment to a place or a group of people who they love and can be loved in return, then that's a "home" to me. In that sense I feel like I have many "homes." In addition to my family and my family's house, there's my church and my friends as well. I'd like this blog to be a "home" for people. I hope that it can be read sometimes and that it can help people feel good and show them that someone cares (and always will care). 

I write all this now because I'm going back home to Michigan in a couple weeks and am really looking forward to it! I get to see my parents and siblings, play with our border collie and eat awesome pancakes made by my dad. (They're so good to the point where I can't eat any other pancakes without comparing them to his!)  Most of all I'm looking forward to going home because it'll be on my birthday and I can think of no better way to celebrate than with my family. My heart is now and always will be there with them.

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