Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Fun Souvenirs!

I love traveling and over the years I've managed to gather a small collection of souvenirs that I've bought. Although perhaps I was ill advised in buying some of them I still felt they were worth sharing for the heck of it! 

On previous trips I bought:
  •  A yodeling bear. I was in Switzerland and I felt the urge to get something that yodeled and that's what I decided to get, much to the chagrin of the rest of my family.
  • I bought a wizard's winter hat once on a ski trip. It was cold out and I was on a Harry Potter kick.
  • A hat with a sunflower on the front of it in England to protect my head from the sun as I believe we were there on the hottest day on record that year. I can't remember what my logic was in buying the hat was, as sunflowers as their name suggests, attract the sun. I guess I figured sunflowers are cheery! :)
  •  A hula dancer penguin dashboard figurine in Hawaii for my sister. Although I'm pretty sure it was originally made in China I still felt the need to get it for her as I felt her car was sadly lacking in ornaments!
Other than the 4 aforementioned souvenirs I think any other gifts I've bought on trips for myself or others have been fairly traditional (hard candy, post cards, playing cards etc.)  I felt the ones listed above were particularly unique and I hope they give you some ideas as to unusual things you could get to make your trips even more memorable/fun! Happy Travels!

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