Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Phooey on evildoers!

Someone once told me that in every emergency there lies an opportunity. I think that in the case of the Boston bombings it gave the opportunity for "ordinary" people to show how extraordinary humans can be especially in their willingness to help others in dire need. According to numerous sources, there were people just after the bombs went off, who instead of running away, ran back to the bomb site to help other people who were wounded. I also thought it was awesome that people opened their homes and gave food and shelter to people in need. The whole thing has rather reaffirmed to me that there's a lot of good in the world. I really believe that good can overcome whatever badness might exist and be a light in the darkness that badness can cause.  I think that the capacity to rise above and overcome so many obstacles is something I love about humanity.

So I say phooey on you evildoers! You cannot win and you will not win because in the end, when it comes down to it, you cannot stop humanity from enduring despite your best efforts! So there!

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