Sunday, June 16, 2013

Things I Iove best about my Dad

Because it's Father's Day and it seems to be a good day to talk about one's Dad, this post is dedicated to my dad and the things I love best about him.

These things that I love best about my Dad include ( but are not limited to) the following.
  •  I don't know quite what it is about my Dad's pancakes but they taste so great! (Especially with blueberries!). They are so good to the point that I can't eat any other pancakes without comparing them to his!
  • He helped me learn to ski, which is something that I'm very grateful for. My favorite advice from him about that: "Margaret, you just have to get down the mountain, that's all." It's rather good advice about life in general.
  • He encouraged/made me go to bed on time as a kid, even when I stayed up late doing homework he told me to go to bed and he'd get up early to wake me up so I'd finish it on time anyway and it always got done. I'm grateful for this because getting enough sleep helped me get better grades.
  • One of my favorite memories involving my dad is when my brother, my sister and I were really little and he'd come home from work, he'd shout: "I'm home!" and we'd rush down the hall by the door and hug him as though he'd been away for a year rather than 8 hours. Then he'd give all of us including mum a kiss and everything would be right with the world.
  • He introduced me to classic movies such as Hitchcock which I grew to love and they are now something we can watch together as a family and all enjoy.
  • He showed me how to drive a tractor which was/is fun!
  • Best advice ever from my Dad: keep a stiff upper lip when things aren't going so well!
  • When I was feeling down if/when something bad happened, I really liked it when he said he wished he could wave a magic wand and make things better. Somehow it did make me feel better just because it was a further reminder that my parents were always rooting for me.
  • He helped make it possible for me to have a really good education which I think has made my life better.
  • He's always done everything he can to make sure I, and Mum, my sister and my brother are all provided for, which is something (like everything else I've listed) for which I'm infinitely grateful.
 I love my Dad for all these things but most of all, I love my Dad just simply because he's my Dad! :)

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