Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Answers to riddles

Hello Folks! The answer to yesterday's riddles are below!

Riddle: When Miss Mae purchased her new parrot, the salesman assured her that it would repeat any word it heard. About a week later, Miss Mae returned the parrot complaining it hadn't uttered a single word. Given that the salesman had spoken the truth about the parrot's abilities, why wouldn't the bird talk?
Answer: The parrot was deaf.

Riddle: In a large grass field, there was a pear tree. On the tree were pears (logical.) But one day, a heavy wind blew. After the wind had ceased, there were not pears on the tree, or pears on the ground. Nobody picked them up and they are not in the water or flying. How could this be

Answer: There is one pear on the tree, and one pear on the ground. But there are not pearS on the ground, nor pearS on the tree.

Riddle: A man leaves home and walks for 3 blocks. Then he gets tired and heads home. When he arrives there are 2 masked men waiting for him. Who are they?  Answer: The catcher and the umpire. the man was playing baseball.

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