Monday, October 28, 2013

If I Had Words

A friend played this song for me today called If I had Words. (Side note: although the song is from the 70s the version of the song I like best is actually from a movie I used to love as a child called Babe which is about a pig that is raised by sheepdogs and learns to herd sheep as a result.)  I thought I'd share it because I think that if my words had the ability, then I'd use them to make good days for everyone. I'd make mornings golden and happy like the song says and I'd make good days last longer.  Since I'm still working on making good days for everyone, I'll start out small and hope that I have words to make each day happier for at least one person, then maybe someday I'll help bring a happy day for everyone. So now you know that there really is a method to my madness!


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