Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Inner and Outer self through art

I recently took an art class which can best be described as "exploratory art" because while each session had a theme you could pretty much do what you wanted with it. I think the session I liked best was one where all participants were asked to create a mask of how we saw ourselves outwardly (or how we wanted others to perceive us) and then on the inside we were asked to decorate it how we saw ourselves on the inside. Below are pictures of what I created. The blue mask-how I'd like people to view me, while it might look a little like an extra sparkly Blue Man Group mask, I think blue is a color that's natural, which is what I like to be, and sparkles are fun and they can make people smile which are two things I like to do. On the inside it's green because I like being natural inside as well as out. I had stars in it because I feel like stars can give people light and perhaps hope when things are darkest. I do my best to put my heart into the things I do. All that in a nutshell is how I've grown to see myself.

I think it was interesting thing to think about how I see myself on the inside and how I'd like people to see me. It's something I hadn't really given much thought to before. It was fun and I think it gave me a greater sense of self which is something I hope everyone has the chance to examine about themselves. I've found that to love myself for who I am helped me to feel happier.

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