Monday, February 3, 2014

Odd contest prizes

I have never won a sweepstakes competition, granted I've never entered a sweepstakes competition which would of course be the first step towards winning one-minor detail. Why am I thinking about this now? Well this morning I needed a Band Aid (or an elastoplast to all you Brits who might be actually reading this.) Anyway I couldn't find one so it got me thinking of how nice it would be to have a lifetime supply of those wonderfully useful healing helpers  that I could have on hand in crucial moments. All this of course got me thinking about the best (and perhaps slightly odd) things I'd like to win if I entered a sweepstakes competition. The list is as follows:

  • A lifetime supply of trail mix-it might be a bad idea considering I'm semi addicted to the stuff but it is a marvelous thought.
  • Books of crossword puzzles-increases brainpower plus it supposedly wards off Alzheimer's disease which is incentive enough to do crossword puzzles like they're going out of style.
  • A good umbrella that refuses to blow inside out no matter what. I haven't yet found such a thing but I'm sure it exists.
  • A Volkswagen Beetle-I always wanted that type of car mostly because I like how at one point they were sold with vases of flowers on the dashboard which I still think is cool. Never mind the fact that I can't drive-I'd get a friend to drive me in exchange for good company (and money of course.) 
  • An unlimited amount of matching socks-I always seem to lose socks and end up with socks that don't match -which can be quirky but is slightly irritating after a while. (It may be the result of doing laundry in a laundromat-if people are stealing my socks in the laundry and are reading this, this message is a plea to get them back as I quite literally am missing them!)
  • Free movie tickets for two for a year. I like going to the cinema and I'd like it if I could invite a friend each time to come with me! (So I'd always have someone to laugh with when the movies are funny and complain about it if the movie is bad!)
Even if I never win any of this stuff I think I'll start entering sweepstakes now just to see what happens!

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