Thursday, May 1, 2014

Somewhere to belong

"A human life, I think, should be well rooted in some spot of a native land, where it may get the love of tender kinship for the face of the earth, for the labors men go forth to, for the sounds and accents that haunt it, for whatever will give that early home a familiar unmistakable difference amidst the future widening of knowledge. The best introduction to astronomy is to think of the nightly heavens as a little lot of stars belonging to one's own homestead." - George Eliot

I like  this quote a lot mostly because to me it says that everyone deserves somewhere to belong that has a lot of love in it and everyone deserves to have a lot of stars in life to guide them to wherever home happens to be. Like the stars, my heart will always be with my home and family and everyone who reads this blog because the idea that someone might read this is a bright spot in my day. So if you are reading this, thank you!

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