Monday, July 21, 2014

There's so much to be happy about

I heard this song by Natasha Bedingfield called "Happy" (not to be confused with the most excellent song with the same by Pharrell Williams.) I just like the song's refrain that goes like this:

Got my dreams, got my life, got my love
Got my friends, got the sunshine above
Why am I making this hard on myself
When there's so many beautiful reasons I have to be happy?

When I think about all the things I have to be grateful for (a lovely family, good friends, my basic needs more than adequately met, and the fact that I can keep writing this blog) I can't help but feel happy. There are so many reasons to be happy and as long as I can keep at least some of them in my mind, I know that I can face whatever life throws at me and I can and will come out stronger. For me, life really is all about the happy!

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