Friday, December 26, 2014

I can find humor in darkness

"What other people call dark and despairing, I call funny." -David Sedaris

I find that when things seem to go wrong, as long as I can laugh about something then things aren't so bad. For example:
  • Sometimes when I'm sick I watch disaster movies so I can be jolly glad I'm safe in my bed and not facing the end of the world. The thought makes me laugh. 
  • When I was younger my parents wanted my siblings and I to improve our math skills and so they had us be part of a math program after school and they had us do sets of math problems and test us on them. Each month we'd get a progress report from the woman running the program. One month my brother, sister, and I were waiting in line for our reports. My brother was first and he was really good at math so he was told his progress line on his chart was very high, he was congratulated and told to keep up the good work. My sister was doing pretty well (also with an upwards progress line) so she was also told to keep it up. When it was my turn I was shown my progress line which was flat. Then I'll never forget the instructor saying "well Maggie, at least there's something to be said for consistency!" -I burst out laughing at that. (Ok, so maybe that bit of humor wasn't so dark but it did stop me from despairing about my lack of math skills.)
  • Sometimes when I'm sad and feel like I want to cry I think of this trailer I saw for the movie Paddington (watch here.) and for some reason it makes me laugh hard enough for me to forget whatever it was I was crying about.
If I've learned anything about myself dying my life, I've learned I can find the light at the end of very dark situations. (Even if the light is on top of a big danger sign telling me to go back the other way!) Still, I've never stopped believing that a bit of laughter gets one to a better place faster!

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