Friday, January 23, 2015

Rebels, monsters and a fun night at Knight's Cafe in Brookline

I've been a fan of board games since I was a young girl. So it's no wonder really that I was quite happy to learn that there is a cafe near my house which is totally devoted to board games.  It's called the Knight Moves Cafe and my roommate and I went there. It's basically a regular cafe, it just contains every board game known to most Americans. The nice thing about board games is they're best when played with a lot of people. We were able to join in with a group of 5 other really great people. My roommate and I stayed to play two games: one involving dragons whose aim was to gain 20 points by the end of the game. (Points are gained by rolling a group of dice to fight off other dragons and buy cards to protect oneself from losing points). The other was a card game where each player was either a rebel trying to overthrow a tyrannical government or a spy. The idea is to weed out the spies through deciding on whether missions were successes or failures. I wasn't strategic about it at all but it was fun. Overall we had a lovely time and it was nice to get out and meet fun people. I liked how games can unite complete strangers. I think it emphasizes the beauty of having fun!

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