Saturday, May 7, 2016

Beautiful music for a Saturday (just because I feel like it.)

The composer Pyotr Ilych Tchaikovsky was born today in 1840. In thinking about him I can't help thinking about a woman I once knew named Mrs. Carter who even if she was old in years she was always young at heart. When I was a college student I used to go to her house to read to her because she was legally blind. Really though we spent more time talking than reading, I think she just wanted the company. She was a lot of fun to be with so I quite liked her company too, so it worked out well.  Anyway, she liked classical music and the ballet and because she could see a little bit if she sat as close to the stage as possible she invited me to with her to see a performance of the ballet Sleeping Beauty. So we went to the Kennedy Center in DC and watched this beautiful performance of Sleeping Beauty and it was really fun. Mrs. Carter died a few years ago now but somehow whenever I listen to music from the Sleeping Beauty ballet I think of her. It's funny how things like music are able to remind me of people. I've always felt that people I care about are always with me, if not in body than in spirit and music symbolizes that for me. I dedicate this post to Mrs. Carter and all people who love music and art.

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