Saturday, February 18, 2017

A tribute to my friends

"My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me."-Henry Ford
Read more at:

I want to take this opportunity to pay tribute to my friends because they make me want to continue to grow to be a better person. I'm really glad and I feel lucky that I've always had their support and I hope that they will always know that I love them all very dearly. My friends do bring out the best in me in that I feel as though I'm a better person because of their influence. I've always sought to provide that same love and support to them as a way of thanking them for all that they've done. (Although I don't think I can thank them enough.) Anyway, I just think it's really nice to have friends to laugh with, to have adventures with and to love in general. I know that I'll always do everything I can to be there for them. I love them all very much. I hope that everyone has great friends because they really are the best things to have!

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