Monday, October 16, 2017


"I can resist everything except temptation." Oscar Wilde 
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The writer Oscar Wilde was born today in 1854 and I find this quote by him to be interesting because it makes me think of things that tempt me (or that I find very hard to resist sometimes.) Here are a few things.

  • Trail mix-I love the stuff, perhaps too much.
  • Dark chocolate-for the same reason stated above.
  • Hugging people-I like to spread the love but since hugging people isn't always advisable for various reasons, I restrain myself to only giving hugs upon request.
  • Telling people I love them- it probably gets awkward for people but I do mean it when I say it as I feel that there are many forms of love and I end up saying it often because when I die I don't want anyone to be in any doubt that I cared about them very much. In many ways I'm not sure why people are so afraid of saying it. I wish people said it more to each other. 
  • Singing-I'd sing everywhere if I could, just because I think it's fun.  I try to restrain myself by trying not to sing out in public as I fear it might annoy people too much. (Although sometimes I start singing if I'm walking by myself and I feel intimidated by someone. At those times I start singing just because it makes me feel brave and I have this thought that it'll make people think I'm slightly mental so they'll leave me alone. So far when I've followed that strategy I've been left alone. Whether that's because of the singing or because no one was really threatening me, I'll never know.) 
Anyway, so here's to vices and giving in to temptation sometimes! 

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