Sunday, April 15, 2018

Kids can be the best audiences

"Children are the most wonderful audiences. What's struck me most is that that they watch it so silently, until the end when they shriek and shout and clap." Emma Thompson
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This quote makes me think of how kids can be really great audience. For example each Sunday in the church I go to the reverend takes 10-15 minutes out of her sermon to talk directly to children and today it was really sweet because she read this children's book called The Runaway Bunny and I couldn't help but like the fact that the kids seemed so happy to hear it. (It's about this bunny who threatens to run away and the bunny's mother tells him that wherever he runs she'll always be there for him and so he eventually decides not to run away and eats a carrot instead.) My hope for all children is that someone reads to them on a fairly regular basis just because I feel like a good story can bring more happiness to their lives.

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