Saturday, February 29, 2020

5 things to do before getting out of bed

I started doing these 5 things (albeit not consistently but it's the thought that counts!) before I get out of bed:
1-Express gratitude
2-Set your intentions for the day
3-Take 5 long deep breathes in and out
4-Smile for no reason
5-Forgive yourself for yesterday's mistakes.

No I didn't come up with these myself, I saw it posted on Facebook and liked it so I stole it!  ([0]=68.ARAEjMDdKRx3akklQUdEfPrI-g9APojwZbkbPH6AgdGTvvemRPLCArZXPQpOAxfz5i7WR22jSq6TBE_z_-aehtYuu6CAhcPCrn6dIC5nVR31v9X-thMhPSeKAvz_EuFz8dI-MPVODaToleqsvUhIhFoZHFa97-GJdW_LFDKI82f_gK47tPW4lsNfW9odQLphncR88Gjm4SqWB_j2oU5A9L7jycvQds7-1Wvz3WgH_uBcz0jmTVzWFUJT2tCLD8n14ND5LZxe8Es__yLdwFbciCfZM_usYvElS00d2Fw44aRclSJhbhDJOL8aIbrRhOmnkVJLP1mgH0dbIA&__tn__=k*F&tn-str=k*F)

Friday, February 28, 2020

Just for laughs

Just for laughs and a little bit of silliness, for all domesticated animal lovers, here is a translation of what a cat (or dog perhaps) might really be saying to you when they meow (or bark) at you while sitting by your door:
"Letmeoutletmeoutletmeoutletmeout. Wait–let me back in! …Letmeinletmeinletmeinletmein. Wait–let me back out!"- Lee Wardlaw

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Sometimes I'd just like to watch things sparkle

If  I could do something rather random and had unlimited resources, I'd like to do one day just for the heck of it? I'd like to go up in a hot air balloon and throw eco-friendly glitter out of it so I can watch the world sparkle! (In an eco-friendly way of course.). I hope that wherever you are reading this that you have the chance to do something out of the ordinary whether it's making the space in the world where you live sparkle or something else that you enjoy. I send you best wishes and much love always.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The benefitts of a sunny disposition

"A cloudy day is no match for a sunny disposition." -William Arthur Ward 

 To all who read this, I hope you had many reasons to feel sunny today. I send you best wishes and much love now and always.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Give love

The singer George Harrison was born today in 1942. I heard this song today that he sang called Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth).  I rather like it because it's always good to give love and although it may not be quite attainable, peace is a nice idea that makes me feel happier.  Anyway, I include the song here to celebrate George Harrison and to wish everyone a very happy and peaceful Wednesday to come.

Monday, February 24, 2020

A song that gave me peace today

I heard this song today called "Be the Song" by Foy Vance  and I rather liked it because it really made me feel peaceful and I hope it has the same effect on others. I send everyone best wishes now and always.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Believe in life

Believe in life! Always human beings will live and progress to greater, broader, and fuller life. -W. E. B. Du Bois

I like how life can be really good and something to be celebrated. Even if things can be heard I hold onto the belief that life can be good and that keeps me happy.  Anyway I send best wishes and much love to all who reads this.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Not wasted time

"The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time"-Bertrand Russell

I hope that today brought you many things to enjoy not wasting time over. I send everyone best wishes and much love always.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Lucky thing I feel about today

In the spirit of finding good small things about each day, today's good thing for me is I have a nice warm bed to sleep in and I'm very glad about that. Anyway,  to everyone who reads this I hope today brought many good things to you and I send you best wishes now and always.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Crime pays?

I saw the most interesting headline today that made me laugh. It is the following: "Man with forehead tattoo saying 'crime pays' back in jail"  For all those interested the article itself can be read here:

Clearly (at least for this guy) crime doesn't pay.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Things I'm against

"One-fifth of the people are against everything all the time." -Robert Kennedy 

This quote somehow made me think of things I'm against all the time Aside from the more serious things like war and generally anything that causes suffering,  I find that I am all the time against the following things:

  • Peas-I can't stand them although I will persevere and swallow them down like medicine if I must and I suppose they do have some nutritional v.
  • Being grumpy-it's just exhausting to me although for a tiny space of time it can be stress relieving.
  • The last cookie or other food item on a plates people bring to share. I can't take the last item on a shared plate without feeling guilty for doing so. First I think well, if I take this last item then other people can't have it, but then if the last item doesn't get eaten it might get thrown away then no one can have it and I'll still feel bad.  That whole thought process makes me tired. I admit though that despite my scruples I have on occasion taken the last food item on a shared plate!
  • High heels -although I admit I do wear them and they look nice, they're difficult to walk in and every time I do wear them I wonder whatever possessed me to do so. 
  • Books with sad endings-I admit I do read them and yes I do realize that things don't always end happily, but I just can't help liking books that do end happily. Sometimes I find myself reading the beginning pages of a book and then the last few just because I think if the beginning  of a book is  happy but the ending is sad things must all go down hill in the middle so I spare myself that heartache.
Anyway,  although I'm against the things listed above, it's a short list because as much as I am against the things I've mentioned, I like to, at the very least make an attempt find the good in all things. Doing so just makes life more fun to me. Anyway, as always I send everyone best wishes now and always.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

A Tuesday wish

To everyone who reads this, I hope you all had a very happy Tuesday and I wish you all an even better Wednesday to come. I send everyone best wishes and much love now and always.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Do what you love

“Do what you love, work as hard as you can, and make people happy.” – Ed Sheeran

I really believe that if you can put love in all that you do it does lead to happiness and helps it spread. I hope tha you can find what makes you feel happiest and use it to help others. I send you best wishes and much love always.  

Sunday, February 16, 2020

One word that frees everyone

“One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life. That word is love.” -Sophocles

I think that love can be a very freeing thing. I know that I feel more at peace when I feel love for others, especially when I can express that love by working to help others.  I like the idea that there really is no limit to the good that people can do for each other. If there’s something that you want to do that can help someone else I hope that you choose to do it. I send you best wishes and much love now and always.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Happy Birthday to my Dad

Today is my Dad's birthday and so to celebrate I thought I'd share a memory of my Dad that I like. My Dad loves old cars that he can fix up and he also likes to go to car shows and races which is something I also rather like. It may seem strange but it's kind of fun to see what cars were like when my Dad was younger. When I was young a couple of times my parents took me with them to see a sports car race. As I remember I rather liked it because it was fun to see the cars go round and round and have lunch using a mini-barbecue my parents would bring with us. I also found I rather liked seeing how excited people got. Happiness is contagious. So even today when I think of or see old cars or car races I think of my Dad and feel happy because I love my Dad. 

Friday, February 14, 2020

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Anyway friends

I saw this clip from a TV show where a father gave a speech at his daughter's wedding and he talked about how when she was little, his daughter told him he was her "anyway friend".  He went on to explain how an "anyway friend" is someone who loves you no matter what. I hope that wherever you are reading this that you have many "anyway friends" and I send you best wishes and much love always.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Happy Wednesday

I wish everyone the happiest of Wednesdays and an even better Thursday to come.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Impossibilities can vanish

"Man is so made that when anything fires his soul, impossibilities vanish."-Jean de La Fontaine

If there's something good you really want to do, I hope that you always keep the fire that motivates you alive inside you. With the help of that kind of fire, everything is possible.  I send you best wishes and much love always.

Monday, February 10, 2020

The greatest pleasure

"The greatest pleasure I know is to do a good action by stealth and have it found out by accident."- Charles Lamb

If you want to do something good and something that helps someone else I hope that you act upon that impulse and that it serves as a nice surprise for someone else. I send best wishes now and always to everyone who reads this.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

An answer to irritation

"Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves."-Carl Jung

I like the idea that good things can come of irritation. I do find that most of the time when I'm irritated with someone or something someone did it's mostly because whatever is irritating me is a fault that I find in myself that I don't like. However, it's rather comforting to know that even irritation is an opportunity for growth.  It used to irritate me when I saw people trying to do something they wanted to do and then giving up in their attempts. I came to realize that there were times when I gave up on things I wanted to do sometimes and that was really what irritated me. However it's nice to know that there are things I can go back and retry and hopefully learn to enjoy. Anyway, if something is irritating you I hope that you can find something in that irritation that you can grow from. I send you best wishes and much love always.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Kid scientist

I saw this clip of a kid who is extremely knowledgeable in science and especially astronomy. The clip made me think about how much I like seeing kids get excited about things and particularly when they get excited about learning new things. Anyway, if you're  reading this I hope you live life with lots of enthusiasm!

Friday, February 7, 2020

A little advice in preparation for a new day

"Expect problems and eat them for breakfast."-Alfred A Montapart

I hope that if tomorrow finds you facing problems, you don't let them follow you throughout the day. I send you best wishes and much love always.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Funny sweet video

I saw this video of two monkeys hugging and that it was really sweet and rather funny so of course I had to share it here. I wish everyone the happiest of Thursdays.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

The power of a balloon

"Nobody can be uncheered with a balloon."-Winnie the Pooh

I've always rather liked balloons. Ever since I was young somehow balloons always cheer me up. I remember when I was young sometimes my parents would take me and my siblings to this restaurant where my siblings and I were given balloons whenever we went there.  Somehow those balloons always made me smile. Aside from that, balloons always remind of birthdays and other happy times in my life so whenever I think of balloons it makes me feel good inside. Whether it's a balloon or something else, I hope you have many opportunities to enjoy things that make you feel happiest and good inside and out. I send you best wishes now and always.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

A wonderful laugh

I figure each day could always use a little more laughter and I was reminded of this idea today when I saw this video of a baby laughing. It made me feel good inside and I hope it has the same effect on others. I wish everyone the happiest of Tuesdays.

Monday, February 3, 2020

A commercial that made me super happy

I got all excited after seeing the commercial in the clip below. I'm happy because.....The minions are coming!!! The. Minions Are. Coming! THE MINIONS ARE COMING BACK!!!!

Why do I have this love of minions you may ask? Well, some people love their movie stars or their rock stars and well, I have Minions. Yes I am fully aware Minions are cartoon characters but they never cease to make me feel really happy. I hope that wherever you are reading this I hope you have many things in life that bring you great joy. I send you best wishes and much love always.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Don't believe it

"I don't believe it. Prove it to me and I still won't believe it."-Douglas Adams

I think I got interested in research because I've always been curious and I always felt like I had to find out things for myself. For me is always very rewarding is to find out facts that are true and whenever possible, use those facts to do things that help others. What I hope for everyone is that everyone keeps questioning things until they find the truth for themselves and then use that truth to help others. I send you best wishes now and always.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Don't worry about a thing

I heard this song today on the radio called Three Little Birds by Bob Marley and I really liked it's lyrics "Don't worry about a thing because every little thing gonna be alright." I've always felt that there's something tremendously comforting about being told things are going to be alright. If I can focus on that idea it is really helpful in times of need. Ultimately I do believe things end up the way they should be, even if they don't end up being the way I expected. Wherever you are reading this, whatever it is that may be happening in your life I really believe things are going to be ok. I send you best wishes and much love always.