Saturday, June 29, 2013

Oh where oh where have our little bags gone?

On a recent plane flight on U.S. Airways, I noticed that the company had an electronic service that allowed you to track your bags. At first I thought it would be a pretty handy thing to have since you'd always know where your bags were. I got to thinking though that if my  bag didn't arrive at my destination with me, I think the knowledge that said bag had somehow wound up in  some out of the way place like Timbuktu, might not make the situation any less irritating. Now, if they could make it so that your bags were always guaranteed to arrive at wherever it was you were actually going, then I'd be really impressed. As it stands, perhaps knowing the bag was in Timbuktu and not irrevocably lost would be slightly comforting. I guess there are ups and downs to every situation! Happy travels! 


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