Wednesday, July 8, 2015

How a video game helped calm me down

Today is apparently Video Games Day. I don't know who declared today Video Games Day. I rather like video games although I don't play them very often. I like video games because there was a time when a video game helped calm me down. I had to have brain surgery when I was 12 because I have hydrocephalus. (Very briefly hydrocephalus is where fluid builds up in the brain and to get the fluid out doctors put in a tube with a valve at one end and when I was 12 the valve stopped working and had to be repaired by surgery.) It was the first surgery I'd had since they put the shunt in when I was a baby. Just before the surgery when I was 12 I was frightened.  I was persuaded into playing a Super Mario game.  For whatever reason playing that game helped me calm down. I didn't worry so much about what was going to happen and when I'd finished I felt as though things were going to be all right and in the end, I was up and about a week later. I still like Super Mario, especially because I think it's nice that a game can help me face something that frightens me. I hope that everyone finds something that can help them be calm and to realize that there's so much people can do and overcome. (Starting with getting to the next level of Super Mario!)

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