Monday, August 24, 2015

How my Mum introduced me to Jane Eyre

Today in 1847 Charlotte Bronte finished her manuscript for her book Jane Eyre.  This book was one of the first long "adult" books my Mum read to me. My Mum made a point of reading to my siblings and me when we were younger. It was one of my favorite books, not just because it's romantic and I've always been a sucker for romance, but also because that love of books in general is something my Mum and  I share.  For a while when I was younger my Mum used to say that I always had my nose in a book (which was in fact true.) In any case, I hope someone reads to every child. Just because I know that it made all the difference to my life. Books are like an escape to me and I think everyone needs an escape once in a while. Even if it's not a book, I still hope everyone finds something to take them out of themselves for a bit and helps them dream!

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