Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Some amusing advice

"Never put a sock in a toaster."Eddie Izzard
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/e/eddieizzar128987.html

When I was younger there used to be these books that were pretty funny  "survival guides" for odd/dangerous (and usually funny) situations and this quote reminded me of those books. They always used to make me laugh. All this got me thinking about the following warnings that I've written below in the hope that they will prevent people from being in mortal (or mortifiable) peril!

  • Never try to slide down a laundry chute  ( trust me, the likelihood you'll get stuck is very high!)
  • Avoid trying to go down an upward moving escalator, it's not as fun as it first appears to be!
  • Avoid running after busses that are pulling away from bus stops- unless you know the driver is one of those nice bus drivers that makes a point of stopping for those sprinting after them!
  • If you're getting a haircut avoid saying "surprise me" when they ask you what you want done to your hair- unless you're very sure you want to be surprised and you really trust the person cutting your hair.
  • Never try to climb a ladder when the ladder is the wrong way up!
Have I personally tried to do any of these things? That's for me to know and you to ponder if you feel like it!

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