Saturday, August 24, 2013

The loveliness of Castle Island!

Even Massachusetts has a castle! (Well it's a fort but I figure in reality castles were really just glorified forts and plus this one is on a bit of land called "Castle Island" so to me that makes it a legit castle!) Today my friends and I had a really nice picnic there today and it was really beautiful especially because we had good weather! If you go and you want to see the inside of the fort you have to take a tour. (They apparently don't let just anyone in!) Anyway, the tour is actually pretty cool and I learned a lot about the history of the fort and Massachusetts. (I don't feel like telling fun facts about the history because people should hear about them on the tour!) The thing I liked best about Castle Island was it's view. I've enclosed it in the pictures below.  You could see for miles and the sea looked beautiful as well. The sea seemed to go on forever. It reminded me that there can be a lot of beauty even in places that were built for things fighting wars. I think seeing that beauty helps to keep me going despite everything that might happen because it reminds me that beauty can be present everywhere and I just have to seek it out if I want to find it!

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