Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Breakfast in bed!

To me there's something so nice about eating breakfast in bed. Never mind the fact that if I want breakfast in bed it requires me to get out of my bed to make the breakfast and then get back in bed to eat it.  If I make myself breakfast in bed I do it on weekends because that's when I get all determined to have breakfast in bed. Most of time it's cereal and fruit affair but when I feel like it, I might just decide get all fancy and make an omelette on toast. (yum!) What I think I like most about it is just that it's nice to pamper oneself a bit. I like sitting in my bed sometimes and listening to the radio and for a few minutes I don't think about what I have to do that day or worry about a thing and it's a nice feeling.  I also like it because it's something I used to make for my parents on special days especially when I was really young. (Well, to be realistic when I was young I made them coffee because I didn't perfect my fancy egg making until much later and I tended to spill cereal as I'd have to go up a flight of stairs to get to my parents' bedroom. So coffee was what I could manage.) I liked bringing coffee to my dad especially when he was shaving because once I'd put the coffee down he'd put a dab of shaving cream on my nose and I'd then run around the house proclaiming I was a clown. So to me, breakfast is a special treat because like I've said, it's a nice thing to have and it's a reminder of home as well. 


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