How to open a very hard to open jar!
I had this jar of lingonberry preserves from Ikea that I really wanted to open. ( Note; lingonberry preserves are very good with Ikea meatballs-even if the meatballs are made of horsemeat-I don't care!) So this blog post is the story of my (very intense) struggle to open a jar of lingonberry preserves, just so that that the miraculous event of opening this jar is documented for future generations!
First Attempt:
I first tried the "normal" way of opening the jar... which didn't quite work and was rather frustrating!
Second Attempt:
I thought I remembered from one of my science classes in grade school that if I stuck the jar under hot water, the hot water would make the lid expand and make opening the jar easier.
Third Attempt:
Jar still won't open-decided to try drying it off.... must.....try......harder!!!
Fourth Attempt:
SUCCESS!!! This is one small step for Maggie one giant leap for the jar opening-ly challenged people of the world-one less jar to open! There's hope for us yet!
hahaha this is awesome!