Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Shakespeare becomes a Globe trotter

I heard on the radio today that because it's supposed to be 450 years since Shakespeare was born, a troupe of actors from the Globe Theatre in London, UK  has decided they are going to put on a performance of Hamlet in every country in the world. I think it's a pretty cool idea as I've seen the play live once in the UK (not at the Globe-it was a Shakespeare in the Park performance) and it was fun!  The night my family  went to see Hamlet outdoors was interesting because there's a part in the play that's supposed to take place in a rainstorm and right at the appropriate moment it did actually start raining -but it didn't rain for very long so it wasn't bad. (Yay for natural special effects!) I think theater like any form of art should be shared and I think one of the cool things about Shakespeare is that so many people can relate to his plays.

The other reason I've been attracted to world tours in general is because of this blog funnily enough. It's been my goal for a while now to try and get at least one person on every continent to read my blog. Since I think getting someone to read it in Antarctica would be the most difficult,  I'm hoping (and I plan on finding a way to write to them) that maybe I can get someone in the troupe to read my blog when they're in Antarctica. I'm not sure how likely it is to have that happen but if it does, then even though I may not have been born great or have greatness thrust upon me, I know I will feel  great if one of these actors reads my blog while in Antarctica.

Regardless of what happens here's some good advice courtesy of the Bard

"..Lay aside life-harming heaviness, And entertain a cheerful disposition."-  From King Richard II-- Act 2 Scene 2

To read more about the world tour click here.

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