Sunday, December 15, 2013

Don't just get through it! ROAR through it!

If there's anywhere to be fierce and brave it's in hospitals which is why I think it's awesome that various Children's Hospitals (in Connecticuit, New Hampshire, and Virginia) have created their own versions of Katy Perry's "Roar" music video. I like the videos because it shows how even in difficult circumstances whether dealing with health issues or something else, people have a tremendous amount of resilience which is one of the many things I love about people. No matter what happens, I hope you have at least one good ROAR when you're getting through a difficuly as I believe there's a tiger in all of us that helps keep us going and having a good roar (or at least a good fight chant or something) can help lift the spirits!

For your viewing pleasure (and hopefully to give you a sense of encouragement) I've enclosed two videos I found of the Roar videos in Connecticut Children's Hospital and Children's Hospital of Richmond, VA.

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