Monday, January 6, 2014


Today is Epiphany which according to Christian tradition is the day celebrating the revelation of God the Son being human in the form of Jesus Christ. Or less complicatedly, it's the day when the Magi (3 Wise Men to all you people like me, who like Christmas carols) visited baby Jesus.

Religion aside, I like that there's a day that celebrates an epiphany, or someone realizing something big and important, since I like discovering new things for myself. I hope everyone discovers something new  for themselves  or looks for something new to think about each day. To me, discovering something  or having a big idea doesn't have to be earth shattering (as most of the stuff I just "discover" I'm quite sure has really been "discovered" long before I got around to it!) it just has to be something I haven't thought of before. It's having the hope that each day will bring something new, that gives me a strange sense of hope and this hope somehow makes me feel happier. So here's to discoveries and epiphanies! May they always be found in the most unlikely places!

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