Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The power two bananas

Just now I had a hankering to eat some fruit so I went and ate not one but two bandannas (oh the extravagance of tropical fruit!) Anyway, from eating those two bananas I had a sudden epiphany. (yes, funnily enough I do have sudden moments of clarity after eating fruit-perhaps a sign of nutritional deficiency? Hope not!) Anyway, my big eureka moment was the idea that indulging in something now and then isn't such a bad thing. As long as it's done in moderation of course.  After all, at least from my perspective, if I'm not nice and entertaining to myself every now and again, how can I be nice and entertaining to the rest of you lot?  

So if this post is entertaining to you then you have bananas to thank for it! (If  however you feel it's not entertaining then I  disavow all knowledge of this blog's existence and claim it's written by a robot!)  In any case, I hope  that what I've written helps you to decide to do something nice for yourself-whether it's eating bananas, taking a nice bath, or having a good laugh. I'd actually recommend the bananas since they've strangely proved  to be very inspirational. (Maybe it's because the ones I ate were ripe for once, then again if they'd been all brown and spotty I'd have made banana bread.)  My point is: to stop yourself from going bananas.... indulge and live a little!

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