Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Black raspberry picking!

My family still live on a farm and since I've been visiting my parents over the holiday week, I have found myself spending more time in the outdoors. This morning I went out in the woods by my family's house with my dad and we picked some black raspberries which will eventually be turned into jam.  I've found that it's nice to get things from nature rather than a store. Not only can we get berries but my parents also keep some bees which means we have honey too. We don't have quite enough bees to make enough honey for commercial sale but we make enough for our own use. It beats Whole Foods hands down! Coming from a big city where green space is at a premium, being able to pick berries seems so much more fun. Although I do like living in the city  because there's always something happening, every so often I find I need to go somewhere that's quieter and greener just to remind myself that green spaces still exist and  that not everyone lives in apartments 2 feet from each other. Maybe there's a reason why people call nature "mother," I find that when I'm outside in parks or just open green spaces. I think of my family and so going to these places acts as a reminder that my home and my family are always with me.

1 comment:

  1. Black raspberries are one of the foods I miss the most out here on the west coast. As for your family's honey, it's pure love in a har.
