Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Another way to participate in my Dance4Joy2017 Challenge!

So, as I've stated before in previous posts, I started an initiative called Dance4Joy2017 to raise money and awareness for mental health issues.  (See Dance4Joy2017's Facebook page for more details: The idea behind the initiative is to get people to dance or if you'd rather not dance, post your favorite YouTube video of people dancing (it does not have to be you personally dancing) on the Dance4Joy2017 page.  I'm hoping that people will post videos and get other people to post. If you feel like donating money to a mental health related organization of your choice  as part of  Dance4Joy2017 initiative,  that would be awesome! However, what would mean more to me is if Dance4Joy2017 helps people feel good and helps raise awareness about mental health issues. That would make me feel indescribably happy! I want to thank all those who have helped me start the Dance4Joy2017 Initiative.  I send love out to all who read this!

P.S,: one of my favorite videos of people dancing is the video below

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