Monday, July 22, 2019

Random thoughts for the heck of it

I'm in a random silly mood so here's some random thoughts for today.

Random thoughts about things that puzzle me:
  • Peas-It's their consistency I can't stand, they're consistently vile.
  • People who decide to hate other people-I can't see the point of being pissed off all the time at random people for a stupid reason. It must be so exhausting.
  • Why do people call nice/fun videos viral? Every time I read that some video has "gone viral" it makes me think of 103 degree fevers which is not something I'd like to associate with a nice video of a happy puppy. If I could get people to say such videos have gone minion instead of viral I'd be so happy although it would probably only make sense to me and no one else.
  • Elevators without buttons inside them. I guess I'm really old fashioned but every time I go into one of the newer elevators with no buttons on the inside of them I get a this moment of panic that the elevator is broken but when it does manage to take me to the floor I want, I feel a strange combination of confusion and relief.
  • Why is it people don't tell their loved ones on a regular basis that they love them? I feel like the nicest thing to tell someone is that you love them and it feels pretty good to say it. To that end, I send much love to everyone now and always.

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