Saturday, July 2, 2016

Supermen/women in my life

The comic book character Superman first appeared in DC Comics' Action Comics Series issue #1 for the first time today in 1938. This got me thinking about all the "Supermen" and "Superwomen" in my life. Some of these individuals include:

  • My parents and siblings: Their superpower is the fact that I know that when I'm with them, even if we disagree, somehow I know things will come out all right in the end between us. It's a very comforting thing to know.
  • My friends: They have the uncanny ability to always make me laugh and feel good when I'm with them. 
  • My coworkers. They keep going even if the going gets tough! I think that's why I love them.
  • Minions-I can't state enough how super they are!
  • My family's dog Dougal: He is super smart. If he wants you to play frisbee with him he'll use his nose to push the frisbee ass far as he can under a car in our driveway and then he'll bark and bark and bark until someone gets irritated enough to get the frisbee out from under the car. Then of course, (after making all that effort to get the frisbee out from under the car) you just have to throw it to him!
I believe everyone is a superhero to somebody. Maybe we don't all fly without wings, but we can love each other and I think that's the best superpower we all have. 

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