Friday, July 13, 2018

Exploring space!

It's the actor Patrick Stewart's birthday and I'm writing about him because he was in Star Trek and I also like his voice. I rather like Star Trek because although it can be a bit silly sometimes, I do think it would be fun to go exploring in space. I think it would be fun to see the Milky Way up close and to look down and see the earth from above.  Although don't think I'll be able to go into outer space, I  do like seeing the stars at night. Since I grew up on a farm I was able to see the stars really clearly as a child because there weren't a lot of buildings around to block them out. Now that I'm living away from my parents and siblings it's a comfort to me to see the moon at night because I know that it's the same moon my family can see and so seeing the moon always makes me feel happy. I hope that wherever you are reading this that you can see the moon and possibly some stars at night, just to add more light to your life!

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