Sunday, May 18, 2014

What counts

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill to me is one of those people who seemed to have  gift of saying a great many quotable things. I like this quote because I don't think so often about how just carrying on can count for so much. I like thinking that all it takes to be brave is just taking each day as it comes. Therefore, everyone to me is very brave for seeing each day and living it out to the best of their abilities. So now that it's the end of one day and almost the beginning of another, I send out a cheer for all who read this just for getting through this day and getting up in the morning to meet the next one. I believe people can do so many good things each day and that's why I believe everyone has a lot of bravery in them and my hope is you always keep that bravery and live each day to the fullest! 



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