Friday, December 6, 2013

Just because its National Microwave Oven Day

December 6th is National Microwave Day! I'm not sure how it got started but I thought I'd take this opportunity to describe what I like best about microwaves. After all, everything should feel appreciated, even inanimate objects!

Things I love about microwaves:
  • It can cook me dinner in 5 minutes or less!
  • Sometimes when I feel like being fancy but not spend too much time doing it, I can use the microwave to make fancy frozen dinners and pretend I'm in a fancy restaurant when eating them. 
  • It makes great popcorn fast which tastes great and is nice to eat while watching a good movie. 
  • Even if food explodes in it (which I have to admit unfortunately ticks me off) at least the mess is contained to the microwave and is thus relatively easy to clean.
  • It has led me to make new discoveries in the art of cooking as it has helped me cook random things like British custard. (Not that it's that different from custard in the US.) I managed to find a custard mix in the store that is the same type my grandmother made us when we'd visit my grandparents in the UK. After a few attempts (one of leading to a minor explosion of pudding mix) I managed to make custard that was warm, creamy and that tasted good! 
So here's to microwaves, don't know where I'd be without one!

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