Friday, February 8, 2013

Why blizzards are fun

Since my area is in the midst of a massive blizzard I'm trying not to think of it as a bad thing despite the fact that they can be rather destructive. As with anything, there are some benefits to blizzards. Here are a few:
  • Lots of snow allows for making lots of snowmen and there's always snow angels to be made too. Plus, if you're creative, they can be most excellent works of art.
  • It gives one the opportunity to watch movies and play board games (ok so I don't actually own any board games and being that there's a snow storm out, the odds of me getting one are very slim, but I will be watching movies anyways.)
  •  Lots of snow calls for hot chocolate which never ceases to make things better
  •  In blizzards I'm tempted to eat "blizzard" ice creams which are very nice in my opinion (Yes, I do eat ice cream in cold weather, it equalizes everything out.)  
  • Not as if an excuse like a storm is needed, but blizzards do make me want to curl up under my covers with a good book. Since they've shut down public transportation and I don't feel like walking anywhere this seems like an awesome thing to do. 
Regardless of what you decide to do I hope that you're somewhere that's nice and warm! Stay safe!

1 comment:

  1. "blizzards do make me want to curl up under my covers with a good book." - agree completely! I wish we had one too!
