Thursday, August 15, 2013

Living moments!

Yesterday, I saw this trailer for a movie called "About Time" which is about a family where only the men in the family can travel back to moments in their past. (Why only the male family members can do this seems a bit sexist to me but it looks funny so that makes it better for me for some reason.) Anyway, since I can't go back in time the idea got me thinking about how good it is to just enjoy the moment! So from that point on, each day I vowed to pick a moment and just enjoy it! Today, for example, I woke up a bit earlier than usual and it was so nice to lie snuggled up under the covers for a few minutes extra. I never really thought about how nice it is to do that. I know it's not a major earth shattering event but it is a moment and one that I really enjoyed and it made me happy! I figure that any moment that can do that is a moment worth celebrating! So hooray for moments!


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