Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Nothing like a good word!

Words are fun and as I really enjoy writing I got to thinking about words I like a lot and I use a lot. There are the usual nice words like "nice" and "love" and all that but I also thought of some other interesting words (no not swear words) that might also be interesting to others as well. I know some of  these words are slang but I still like them anyway. Five of these include:
  • Absquatulate (pronounced: ab squat you late)  It means to leave abruptly. It's actually a slang term but it sounds so sophisticated. 
  • Exuberant (pronounced: ex uber ant) It means filled with energy and excitement. I think of it as a word that should always be accompanied by an exclamation mark! To me the word just sounds cheerful!
  • Onomatopoeia-(pronounced: on oh mah to pea uh) It describes the use of a word that sounds the way something is described. For example the word "buzz" to describe the way a bee sounds is an example of onomatopoeia. I just think the word itself sounds interesting. It's certainly a mouthful.
  • Phooey: (yes it is a word, which is very exciting for me!) It's an exclamation (when I'm ticked off with someone sometimes I say "phooey on you!")
  • Replete: It means "full" -I've only heard this word in relation to eating. It makes me think of how food can be so good to fill you up and then if it is that good, you're not only replete, but at in a way I sort of want to repeat the eating of that food!
I hope that after reading this post you feel slightly more edumicated (ahem, I mean educated) than before. If you like these words then please feel free to spread them all over the place!

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