Sunday, October 13, 2013

My Dad the Race Car Mechanic!

I just got back from seeing the movie Rush which is about two race car drivers, one of whom, a man named James Hunt raced for McLaren and the other, Niki Louda, raced for Ferrari. It just so happens that my dad worked as a mechanic for McLaren for a time where he traveled all over the world repairing cars for race car drivers. I'm pretty sure that some of his race car experiences stuck with him because he's always been good at driving fast and yet, somehow he's always made sure everyone in the car was safe. 

There's a part in the movie Rush where Niki Louda is in a regular car and his girlfriend asks him to drive faster. It reminded me very much of when my dad would take out out for fast rides like that.  There used to be a rather large hill down one road close to our house and it had a large bump at the top of it.  When my sister my brother and I would  my dad to drive fast so we'd fly over the bump. Although it made my mum nervous to no end and made the rest of us feel giddy, my dad would go zig zagging down the road up to the hill and then he'd go fast over the bump. It really felt like we were flying and although it might seem a bit reckless, I always felt safe even when we were zig zagging down the road at top speed. To me it showed that sometimes living a little dangerously can be fun and at the same time it showed me that in times of danger my parents would always make sure my siblings and I were safe. The bump on the hill has since been paved over but it's still nice to remember it and how it felt to fly. It's just something I'll never forget. 

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