Thursday, March 7, 2013

Stand Tall and Be Proud!

I always thought it was interesting how people sometimes say to someone they admire "you're so strong." It's interesting that they say that because at least from my perspective, there's so much strength in everyone. It can be found in getting up in the morning and meeting the day and getting through it. It  can bee in interacting with people, in speaking your mind even when your ideas might not be all that popular. Being ourselves and taking pride in being ourselves takes a lot of strength as well. To me though, the greatest strength we all have is the strength to love unconditionally even if/when that love might need to be tough love and even when love might not always be returned. 

My hope is that reading this might help you to find the strength that I know is in all of us and that that strength is used for good. I hope that you always stand tall and be proud of all that you've accomplished and all that you can still do in the life ahead of you.

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