Sunday, August 31, 2014

A Merry Allston Massachusetts Christmas

So as loads and loads of college students move in and out of the greater Boston area, now comes the lovely time known as "Allston Christmas" where people moving in and out of the city of Allston (a suburb of Boston) leave the greatest stuff on the sidewalks for others to take.  I don't really see this system as stealing-especially because the stuff had "free" signs stuck to them (or were verbally given permission.) However, I also feel that if and when I move out I'll probably leave stuff on the street for people too, so perhaps it's a sort of strange exchange system. Anyway,  today my friend Olivia and I had a lovely time going up and down different side streets looking for random things that amused us or that we felt we needed.  I managed to score a wicker basket (which can be extremely useful), 2 books with most excellent titles ( "This Book Will Change Your Life: 365 Daily Instructions for Hysterical Living" and "Everything I Need to Know I learned from Peanuts." I have strong feeling the 365 days of hysterical living instructions will now be featured quite prominently in this blog.) I also picked up an ice cube tray that forms heart shaped ice cubes and best of all, a poster of Johnny Depp-I always quite liked quirky people.  My friend Olivia obtained another box, a book of watercolor paintings, some glow sicks, and a bag of CPR instructions and a whistle from the Boston Police Department. All in all I say it was a pretty good haul. Happy Allston Christmas Christmas!

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