Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Appyhay Igpay Atinlay Ayday!

Iyay avehay ecidedday hattay odaytay isyay Igpay Atinlay Ayday! (Implysay ecausebay Iyay ancay ecideday hingstay ikelay hattay!) I ovelay Igpay Atinlay ecausebay tiyay akesmay emay eelfay llay ysteriousmay henway Iyay riteway niyay  Igpay Atinlay! Iyay ikelay akingmay eoplepay hinktay!  Osay Iyay opehay ouyay llayay adhay ayay ovelylay ayday odaytay nday Iyay ishway ouyay ayay eryvay Appyhay Igpay Atinlay Aday!!

Clue to reading this post: all I did was take the first letter of each word and put it at the end of the word and added "ay" to the ending. If the word started with a vowel I put the first letter with the letters "yay" at the end of the word. The first person to figure out what the above message says, everlasting appreciation! Happy Pig Latin Day!!

1 comment:

  1. I have decided that today is Pig Latin day! simply because I can decide things like that. I love Pig Latin because it makes me feel all mysterious when I write in Pig Latin. I like making people think. So I hop you all had a lovely day today and I wish you a very Happy Pig Latin Day!
