Saturday, May 25, 2013

I've decided I'm a trekie! (at least for today!)

I just got back from seeing the latest Star Trek movie and this is what I thought of it all: (Warning: SPOILERS)
  • Never argue with Dr. Spock-he's so damn logical/precise/moral, it's just, well.... downright irritating (but that's why people still love him-myself included I guess.) 
  • Captain Kirk (e.g. Chris Pine) is eye candy at its finest. The fact that his character (and I suspect he himself in reality,) is smart and typically saves the day is just an added bonus of course.
  • I think I'm in love with Scottie, I don't know why, maybe it's just that I think he's really funny and he fixes random things and doesn't mind telling people exactly what he thinks of their plans-even if they don't want to hear it. Plus, I like his alien pet friend.  
  • Never trust prisoners that willingly surrender very quickly and without too much of a fight. It apparently just leads to really bad consequences.
  • I wish I had blood that miraculously heals every human injury. It would just feel so nice to know that no one ever had to be in pain ever again. (Even if the blood would have to come from a maniacal being that would have to be overpowered- I guess everything comes with a price.)
  •  Being able to speak Klingon apparently doesn't get you all that far (e.g.almost leads to a strangling) it's probably a good thing that language isn't real then.
  • Don't keep punching a man that can't be injured by hitting/punching him. It doesn't work. Although it might relieve some frustration/aggression you feel after the nasty man kills your loved one, it also leaves you with a hand that's injured from hitting the guy so much and the guy doesn't get hurt one bit for all your trouble. 
  • I felt rather sorry for the guy that had to give up his life so his daughter could get better-even if he did take a whole load of people with him when he died and it was his choice. In a way it's a testament to how far people are willing to go to help save their kids, even at the cost of losing life/killing others.
  • I'm glad I don't have to drive a space ship, it just seems so complicated, plus if it really breaks down you almost literally have to kill yourself to get the damn thing to work again. I'm also glad I'll (hopefully) never have to land myself in the middle of a volcano to stop it erupting. Even if it does save a planet, it just seems like a rather nasty way to end one's life.
  • I'd like to be an explorer like Spock and Captain Kirk. Even if I don't go to the ends of a universe, I'd still like to be able to go where no one else has gone before-just so I can stick  a flag (of my own making) in the ground I find-just to prove I'd been there and done that!

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